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  • About Laaaava.io

    You are a colorful circle and THE FLOOR IS LAVA! If you like games where you are thrown into the action IMMEDIATELY, this is the one for you, because as soon as there are enough players in the game, IT IS ON. Your goal is simple: keep your circle out of the lava, fool! Bounce off the ceiling, the walls, other players ... do whatever you have to do to stay off of the floor, which, after all, is LAAAAVA!

  • How to play Laaaava.io

    Click your mouse to get a "push" in that direction. You can bounce off other players or the walls/ceiling. Be the last circle standing (not in the lava) to win.

  • Laaaava.io Strategy

    Be ready to play IMMEDIATELY! It is a very quick game and other players are often caught unaware , so being the first person to react is a great advantage. Bounce off other players if you can ... it may distract them and impair their concentration/control.