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  • About Biome3d.com

    Biome offers a 3d version of many other .io games, allowing you to view your blob from many different angles and increasing the strategy required to succeed.

    Seek out smaller blobs of mass and eat them by passing over them, increasing your own mass and lethality. This game offers skins that can be unlocked over time.

  • How to play Biome3d.com

    Use the MOUSE to control your blob, and use WASD or ARROW KEYS to move the camera.

    CLICK the mouse to split your blob into smaller pices.

  • Biome3d.com Strategy

    Big blobs are slow, small blobs are fast.

    If you have too much mass and cannot chase down your opponent, you can split yourself with a MOUSE CLICK, but be certain that your split mass is still large enough to consume your opponent.

    Move your camera angle often to insure you aren't being hunted without being aware of it...